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Get to know: Shilpa Begum

Updated: Jul 11, 2023

Shilpa Begum is our Curriculum Lead for Science at In Toto Ed. She teaches A-level Biology, GCSE Science, and Key Stage 3 Science at In Toto London. Born and bred in the same city, she studied Human Biology at university while tutoring her younger brother and friends. It was then that she realised how much she enjoyed teaching.  

Shilpa, Science Teacher, London

“I spent a good half of my career teaching medical students in Saudi Arabia, and then teaching Biology to Highschoolers in Dubai” Shilpa tells us. “Then I came back to England to complete a Master's degree in Education and Politics, and I’m now currently in the process of doing my PhD on the postcolonial influences in the education system.” It’s safe to say, she knows her stuff. 

Shilpa’s experience in, and studies on, the Western education system are how she came to find In Toto Ed. 

“I started to question many practices followed in schools, and this led me to almost resist the idea of mainstream education as it didn’t (and still doesn’t) cater to the needs of students with different abilities, backgrounds, and life experiences.  

“In Toto Ed was the only organisation that aligned with my ideologies when it comes to teaching and learning.” 

When asked what she likes most about working at In Toto Ed, Shilpa responds, “The feeling of belonging. It’s very hard to come across a place where you are made to feel like you belong. I feel like I was meant to be here, and am a valuable addition to the organisation. That’s an irreplaceable feeling, and I’ve regained my passion for teaching.” 

Outside of teaching Shilpa describes herself as “a bit of a nerd”, and you can often find her reading World History books in her favourite place: the British Museum. She says she has no idea where she will be in five years’ time and will see where life takes her, but if she could give advice to her 16-year-old self she would say “Ask questions, make mistakes, you’re not supposed to know what to do with your life just yet. Focus on the things you're good at rather than what society says you should be good at.” 

Shilpa, Science Teacher, London

We couldn’t agree more Shilpa, and we’re thrilled to have you on our team. We’ll close with Shilpa’s favourite quote from legendary rap artist Tupac Amaru Shakur;

“Never settle for less, because even a genius asks questions.”

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