We have had a really successful few weeks at the Peterborough School for a variety of reasons. One of our students has completed a two day welding residential and, although we don't know the results yet, we have received highly positive feedback from PS Welding staff about their conduct, work and all-round excellent attitude during the course.
It is exam season, but we have found our students are approaching this with confidence and great self-belief, and where in the past attendance might have been affected by the word “exam”, we are actually very happy with the school's overall attendance of nearly 80%.

Many outdoor projects have now begun at our school, with the students taking great pride in improving our outdoor area, now that the sun is shining. We are also in the process of organising some trips in the local community for after half term. Two of our students will also be starting work experience, with the rest looking to choose and prepare for theirs in September.
We are also very proud to be supporting some new students through the final weeks of term in order to re-engage and prepare them for September, with some staying at In Toto Ed and some going to local colleges.