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Peterborough School Update: October half term, 2023

Amy Davis

We have had a very busy start to the year in Peterborough; it has been fantastic to see our students back and enjoying their education again.

Our Construction students have been busy preparing some of the new areas in our school which will, when complete, comprise of two new classrooms, an IT suite and a gym. They have also been building new furniture and shelving for our classrooms.

In IT, students have been preparing a health and safety information PowerPoint, which will be played on a loop for any visitors to the school to inform them of safeguarding, fire exits, and other general information. We are delighted to enable our students to do this with a new IT suite equipped with three new Apple computers.

Our Music students have been continuing with their music production work from last academic year, and we are currently developing a second classroom space for music to ensure we can effectively deliver both music production and live music sessions.

Our English room is now home to a new library, and we are excited to have such a wide range of books on offer to suit the needs and interests of all our students. We have been careful with our book choices, with equality, diversity and inclusivity at the forefront of our minds.

During the Preparing For Adulthood (PFA) lessons, many students have discovered - and have started making! - various recipes that they could also try at home, as well as planning out this terms’ PFA activities they would like to participate in.

General attendance has been very good in the first weeks of a new academic year, currently standing at 80.7% in Peterborough and as always, we are here to support in any way we can.

Thank you all for your continued support.

Mark Venters, Head of School, Peterborough


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